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  • Gear
  • Questions about a fruit : Orange in particular.

Hello Guys

Just a continuation on the Blackstar thread.

Now im still deciding on what to buy once we hit the UK and its between the Blackstar H5R Mini Stack and the Orange TT Combo or a Orange head (Dual Terror or Dark Terror).

Now the Orange you can drop down from 30W to 15W and 7W. Would this not have the same effect as the Blackstar where I could crank it up for that Orange tone yet not blow the roof off?
    A cranked 7W valve amp is still plenty loud. Maybe not enough to hang with a drummer, but not bedroom practice amp volume either.
      But alan, the conversation stated the the Blackstar would be able to reach its optimum sound as it wont be as loud when cranked, but I really do like the Orange stuff and just want to make sure that I can still get that real Orange sound.

      Thanx Singe, going to read up on that amp now.
        The Orange TT 7 watt setting is still mofo loud....i practice with my band with the setting on 7 W mostly. Dont be mislead the real difference between the 2 settings is not volume really but fullness of sound ..

        dont buy the TT for bedroom practice unless you living far away from ppl ?
          by the way if you want to come try the TT sometime pull in ... preferably a saturday morning or something...more than welcome

            With my little Vox amp, the 4W setting is even too loud for bedroom playing, I use the 1/4 W setting ?
              Thanx for all the responses guys.

              Icecreamman, thank you very much for the offer, but if I go and look at amps now my wife will surely unman me! I will however take your word for it.

              Look it will be for my practice but also for recording because Im buying a house next year and will be soundproofing a studio for recording and producing so noise wont be a problem then, only up to then.

              Singe: I was looking at that Egnator last night and my goodness.... the half stack looks like such a good deal and such a solid piece of equipment.

              No on here have any experience with Egnator? Because it looks bloody amazing.
                I think they're great, but only from written and video reviews. They're not available in SA sadly. But if you're buying in the UK, I think it's a option that's seriously worth considering.
                  So far the good outweighs the bad... Think ill be taking a trip to Andertons once there and have a look if they have stock.
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