A friend of mine bought this old ELK amp off Gumtree a couple months ago, it needed work: a cap job, sockets needed to be retensioned/cleaned/repalced and the parts themselves were not the greatest quality so rather than throw money into it we looked at using the amp as a donor and decided to build a single channel AB763 Blackface Deluxe Reverb circuit using a Hoffman Board.
I replaced ALL the sockets and jacks as they were terrible quality and had to drill in an extra 9 pin preamp tube, as you can see from the chassis.
I also added in a choke and separate PT wired off the heaters for the bias tap as the existing PT didn't have one.
The amps sounds nice and clean, I'm using shielded hookup for the volume and input, makes the world of difference in getting the noise down. The tremolo/vibrato is quirky at best, not as nice as the Fender opto style, but useable.
The amps reverb tank is broken so I need to source a replacement, which is why the reverb trannie isn't hooked up.