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  • Gear
  • Ibanez RGA121 Prestige VLF finish

Hey guys,

So i wanted some opinions i have found this guitar (Ibanez RGA121 Prestiage VLF finish) second hand looks to be in pretty good condition.
I play mostly metal but maybe some jazz and blue's stuff when in the mood.

So does anyone have an opinion on the playability of this guitar, tones ect.. the guitar is standard witht he V7 and V8 pickups i think.

Anyway Lemme know your opinions on it caus i want to decide wether i should buy it. Only thing i don't really like about the guitar is the finish i was looking for the NTF finish (Natural Flat Finish) which is beautiful!!

Thanks !!!
    Those are very cool. Being a Prestige model you know you are getting quality, and the playability will be excellent. The neck will be quite flat and thin.

    The V7 and V8 pickups are not bad, and do have a bit of power to them, but clean up nicely when the volume and gain is rolled down.

    I agree that the NTF is nicer, but if yo can get this at a good price then definitely go for it. It should come with a proper Ibanez Prestige case as well.
      Yeah the guy wants R5 500 for it with case included and shipping down to CPT so im really considering it :]
        Depending on the condition that's not too bad. These are great guitars btw. I can't pick up another guitar because no matter what guitar it is the neck feels like a stump ?
          Hey this is what the condition of it looks like

          Looks pretty good to me ?, been wanting one of these for ages played on a cheaper Ibanez and the neck was amazing and seeing as this is the Wizard neck ? i hope its good!

          Soz for giant post ?
            Prestiges play like slicing a hot knife through butter. There's simply no question about playability.

            That one looks in good nick. It's a pity about the Ibanez pickups rather than DiMarzio. R5.5k is ok. R4.5k would be better mainly due to that, and that it doesn't have floating trem. Don't get me wrong, I'd much rather have a fixed bridge, and I especially love the look of that Gibraltar type bridge. It's just that the good trems add R2-3k to the price on a new guitar. Have a look on eBay to see what it would cost you (including VAT and shipping of course). Maybe R5.5k is a great price, I dunno.

            Tell you this, if I had to choose between that at R5.5k and anything that could be bought new for the same, I'd take that one again, and again, and again.

            Happy gut-wrenching decision making. ?
              A friend used to own one of these. The necks are very thin, flat radius & superfast. Stock pups are lacklustre. He swapped the stock pups out for DiMarzio Breeds, which made a huge difference. Other than that, they are very comfortable guitars to play and come with a Team J Craft flightcase.
              At 5.5, it's definitely a bargain.

                I have checked Ebay only one on there and the buyer won't ship internationally :]

                Yeah will most probably switch the pups out at a later stage when i can afford 2.

                Fixed Bridges rock !!

                Thanks for all the advice guys i think im gonna take it can't wait to play the baby :}
                  Cool! Check back when you've played it for a bit, let us know how you like it.
                    That looks like the makings of a brilliant project guitar.
                      defourzE wrote: I have checked Ebay only one on there and the buyer won't ship internationally :]

                      Yeah will most probably switch the pups out at a later stage when i can afford 2.

                      Fixed Bridges rock !!

                      Thanks for all the advice guys i think im gonna take it can't wait to play the baby :}
                      Good on you. You can't go wrong with it.
                        I'm going to have to disagree with these guys regarding the v7/v8. These pickups are really not that bad. Per from Scar Symmetry plays them and he's no slouch, trust me. Ihsahn also plays a rga121 with the stock pickups.
                          This is the 2nd time this has happened in the last week. I don't see no guitar. All I see is frogs in ice cubes

                          (PS I checked - no hallucinogens for at least a month)
                            Mmmm... frogs... :F
                              X-rated Bob wrote: This is the 2nd time this has happened in the last week. I don't see no guitar. All I see is frogs in ice cubes

                              (PS I checked - no hallucinogens for at least a month)
                              Imageshack SUCKS!!!
                              Its on the blink!! ? For at least a week already!
                                Norman86 wrote:
                                X-rated Bob wrote: This is the 2nd time this has happened in the last week. I don't see no guitar. All I see is frogs in ice cubes

                                (PS I checked - no hallucinogens for at least a month)
                                Imageshack SUCKS!!!
                                Its on the blink!! ? For at least a week already!
                                They changed their policy recently. You either have to register the domain you are linking from now, or you can register on the website, and make sure you are logged in. The images show up then.
                                  dee wrote:
                                  They changed their policy recently. You either have to register the domain you are linking from now, or you can register on the website, and make sure you are logged in. The images show up then.
                                  I dont want an imageshack account or to register the domain i'm on to view an image... That is a stupid stupid policy to have, imho of course!
                                  i reiterate, imageshack sucks!
                                    9 days later
                                    Recieved the guitar today man it plays like a dream !!!! the standard pups aren't that bad just roll down the gain a little and you get more clarity.

                                    Question does anyone know what the best cleaner is for a guitar with this kinda of finish and i was thinking of cleaning the metal bits on the guitar any advice on what to use?

                                    Didn't know imageshack was so useless :/ what do you guys use to upload

                                      X-rated Bob wrote: This is the 2nd time this has happened in the last week. I don't see no guitar. All I see is frogs in ice cubes

                                      (PS I checked - no hallucinogens for at least a month)
                                      I'm getting that on other fora. What's up with that? New Imageshack settings or something?