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  • Gear
  • Ordering from Tonefactor

Hey guys

So i'm about to place an order through Tonefactor.....(Between R3999 and R4001).

1) Good idea...bad idea?
2) Import duties ...blah blah...taxes?
3) Choices for pedals....building a pedal board for alt rock sound.(Will be played though a Fender 75R....no not the re-issue, da real thing)
-Dirty Little secret
-Boss GE-7
-Voodoo pedal Power 2
-Korg Tuner
-Wampler Echo delay
What am i missing? Volume pedal right..... i dunno, yout ell me.

Comments, criticism ....... and go

    get a wah ?
    If I were in the market for a wah pedal now I'd get an ibanez weeping demon...

      Buying from tonefactor: good.
      Going Stompbox: great.

      Pedal tuner - korg pitchblack. Still need to get mine, but I keep cadging Jack's.
        Woot just ordered

        Pedal Power 2
        Boss GE-7

        I wonder how long it takes to get here...probably a few weeks, : - /.

        Next month we're onto the
        Tuner (Tonefactor didn't have it in stock, :-/)
        and some sort of volume control... maybe a Liquid Sunshine Decay OD?

        hehehehe (Evil laugh).
          raithza wrote: get a wah ?
          If I were in the market for a wah pedal now I'd get an ibanez weeping demon...

          Theres a guy selling one of these on gumtree for R800 ?
            Kalcium wrote:
            raithza wrote: get a wah ?
            If I were in the market for a wah pedal now I'd get an ibanez weeping demon...

            Theres a guy selling one of these on gumtree for R800 ?
            found the ad - damn you, financial constraints!

            i wonder if it is the notorious uvongo dave selling it...
              ...Crap,I should have seen this sooner,but I hope you compared the wampler to the skreddy echo before you bought?

              But yea,the wamlper is still amazing...

              I'm not a fan of the weeping demon,its versatile yes,but you sacrifice to much for that versatility,imo...the same reason I prefer analog(mostly) pedals...but onese again,that's a big IMO...

              And if your going to do alt,consider a fuzz man,the fuzzhugger pedals are good,so are the EQD's...also a vesityl mod pedal...big and good selection of bouth at TF man... ?
                Still haven't bought the delay pedal just the DLS the power pedal and the Ge-7. Will take a look at the other delay pedal you mentioned.

                Thanks for the input.
                  The Pedal Power 2 does not have the capability to work on both 110V and 220/240V mains, so you'll blow it up if you plug it in in SA unless you use a step down transformer or variac with it. Did they give you the option to buy a 220V Euro version (unlikely as all the US versions of the PP2 are 110V) or something? If not, I would ask Brad to cancel it off the order before they ship it and look at something that is switchable between different mains voltages.
                    I agree with Mr T, Its actually quite a pain to lug around a step down transformer everywhere you go.
                    Maybe look at the Trex Power supply range?
                      I think the bbe supper charger is switchebil...? Mr. T?
                        raithza wrote:
                        Kalcium wrote:
                        raithza wrote: get a wah ?
                        If I were in the market for a wah pedal now I'd get an ibanez weeping demon...

                        Theres a guy selling one of these on gumtree for R800 ?
                        found the ad - damn you, financial constraints!

                        i wonder if it is the notorious uvongo dave selling it...
                        ? his name is David yes...Notorious though? ? Oh noes...I bought 2 of his pedals...are they not coming? ☹
                          +1 on canceling the pedal power 2 and buying one locally. You don't want to have to deal with step-down transformers. Especially on your power supply. And you'll probably be able to send it back if it's already op-pad.
                            I just emailed Brad and checked what their return policy is. They sent me and email saying that it was shipped before i could cancel my order.

                            The super charger look like it can do the job, i think i might had gotten a bit of shopping fever and got gear tunnel vision, sigh.....lesson learned.

                            The skreddy echo sounds amazing, and also has an amazing price of $325 a bit too rich for me right now. I'll stick to the wampler and upgrade laters sometime.

                            Thanks everyone for their input.

                              Does that mean you can't send it back unopened for a refund or at least an exchange? ??? I'd be surprised by that. Not if it was an SA company of course >☹, but for an international sales online company I'd be very surprised.
                                Reading my previous reply i can see where the confusion lies=, : -/.

                                I've sent Brad an email, still waiting for his reply on their return policy.

                                  In that case,subdecay echo box... ? about the same price as the wampler...have a look man

                                  Ag,I don't think a tranceformer would be that expensive ? and the voodoo is awsum...
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