Hammeron wrote:
We are lucky, we dont got any neighbours! ?.......how does it go? One mans meat is another mans poison?
Define noise.
If it causes a disturbance it's noise. If it's uninvited by you it's noise. It is the case that the music you like is not noise to you, but other music or sounds that you don't have a liking for at the same level are noise to you.
Some years ago, before the introduction of laws that prevented judges administering cruel or unusual punishments, there was a case in New York revolving around an individual who liked to play rap music at ear splitting volumes. He liked it. He said it was "art" and "cultural" and all that. The judge who heard the case arranged that he be subjected to Barry Manilow recordings at a similar volume for a couple of hours. The arguments stopped.
I can remember when the USA got themselves involved in some incidents in Central america that gave them the chance to get their hands on a major drug lord. One of the methods they used against him was to surround his house with trucks with PA systems on the back and bombard him with hip-hop for days on end.
Loud music, and especially unwelcomed and uninvited loud music does have consequences.