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Does anyone know what the legal noise level in a suburban area is? (in Db's)

Having a slight neighbor issue - 90% sure I'm in the clear though, just looking for facts to throw in his face ?
    AndrewD wrote: Does anyone know what the legal noise level in a suburban area is? (in Db's)

    Having a slight neighbor issue - 90% sure I'm in the clear though, just looking for facts to throw in his face ?
    Better to try to discuss things rationally than just throw things in faces. Noise is an increasing problem in residential areas.
      We have progressed beyond rational discussion.

      Beyond over 10k worth of sound proofing too. He called the cops last weekend (they were very chilled with all of it)

      He works at night and so sleeps during our band prac - 2:30pm - 5:00pm on either Saturday or Sunday. (those times were to accommodate him in the 1st place)

      As I said I'm 90% sure we are not breaking the law - I'm just getting annoyed with him and need something to shut him up.

      (He is also the only one that complains and there are other houses much closer than his - we're at the end of a cul-d-sac)
        You are not breaking the law, you even made an attempt to accomodate him.....
        I hate those neihbours who are not even the closest but complain....

        Just tell him these are the times he can expect it......
        X-rated Bob wrote:
        AndrewD wrote: Does anyone know what the legal noise level in a suburban area is? (in Db's)

        Having a slight neighbor issue - 90% sure I'm in the clear though, just looking for facts to throw in his face ?
        Better to try to discuss things rationally than just throw things in faces. Noise is an increasing problem in residential areas.
        ? HIV/ AIDS, Heroin, Teenage pregnancy, Residential noise...... ? you make it sound like a serious problem....

        I think description suggests the neihbour sounds like a douche.... (Or a Giant cat word)

        From what I understand the times are 10 till 9 pm you can make noise and I had this fresh from the Fuzz's mouth (clever pun) 2 years ago....
          MIKA the better one wrote: You are not breaking the law, you even made an attempt to accomodate him.....
          I hate those neihbours who are not even the closest but complain....

          Just tell him these are the times he can expect it......
          X-rated Bob wrote:
          AndrewD wrote: Does anyone know what the legal noise level in a suburban area is? (in Db's)

          Having a slight neighbor issue - 90% sure I'm in the clear though, just looking for facts to throw in his face ?
          Better to try to discuss things rationally than just throw things in faces. Noise is an increasing problem in residential areas.
          ? HIV/ AIDS, Heroin, Teenage pregnancy, Residential noise...... ? you make it sound like a serious problem....

          I think description suggests the neihbour sounds like a douche.... (Or a Giant cat word)

          From what I understand the times are 10 till 9 pm you can make noise and I had this fresh from the Fuzz's mouth (clever pun) 2 years ago....
          I'd question that the law makes a stipulation about times. Noise is noise at any time of day. I've lived next door to people who run a panel beating business, aerobics classes in their front room and a joinery (three different neighbours) and once lived across the road from a person who liked to use a pneumatic drill in his backyard. The time of day doesn't enter it and shouldn't.

          Somebody who objects to amplified band practice in the house next door isn't a douche. You really shouldn't have to put up with that in your own home.

          Arguing that it's music and that's somehow different is a dodgy proposition. You want the neighbours to put up with your drums or your loud electric guitar - it gets hard to object if they decide they want to operate a band saw all weekend or bang with a hammer late at night.

          Our rights don't trump anybody else's. Sure I have a right to play guitar. My neighbour has a right to not be disturbed by it.
            We are lucky, we dont got any neighbours! ?.......how does it go? One mans meat is another mans poison?
            Define noise.
              MIKA the better one wrote: You are not breaking the law, you even made an attempt to accomodate him.....
              I hate those neihbours who are not even the closest but complain....

              Just tell him these are the times he can expect it......
              X-rated Bob wrote:
              AndrewD wrote: Does anyone know what the legal noise level in a suburban area is? (in Db's)

              Having a slight neighbor issue - 90% sure I'm in the clear though, just looking for facts to throw in his face ?
              Better to try to discuss things rationally than just throw things in faces. Noise is an increasing problem in residential areas.
              ? HIV/ AIDS, Heroin, Teenage pregnancy, Residential noise...... ? you make it sound like a serious problem....
              I'll thank you to not put words into my mouth.

              But it is a real problem. Noise pollution is an ever increasing problem as the cities and suburbs we live in get more crowded and carry more traffic and people adopt increasingly short-sighted attitudes to their "rights".

                Hammeron wrote: We are lucky, we dont got any neighbours! ?.......how does it go? One mans meat is another mans poison?
                Define noise.
                If it causes a disturbance it's noise. If it's uninvited by you it's noise. It is the case that the music you like is not noise to you, but other music or sounds that you don't have a liking for at the same level are noise to you.

                Some years ago, before the introduction of laws that prevented judges administering cruel or unusual punishments, there was a case in New York revolving around an individual who liked to play rap music at ear splitting volumes. He liked it. He said it was "art" and "cultural" and all that. The judge who heard the case arranged that he be subjected to Barry Manilow recordings at a similar volume for a couple of hours. The arguments stopped.

                I can remember when the USA got themselves involved in some incidents in Central america that gave them the chance to get their hands on a major drug lord. One of the methods they used against him was to surround his house with trucks with PA systems on the back and bombard him with hip-hop for days on end.

                Loud music, and especially unwelcomed and uninvited loud music does have consequences.
                  So back to the issue - what is "too loud"?

                  Our band prac is pretty much inaudible even from the main house on the property (we prac in a converted garage)

                  So I really don't see how it can be causing such an issue for only guy in a house even further away...
                    If only one person is complaining...
                    then its because they're being difficult, no question about it!
                    How else is it that your closest neighbours aren't complaining, yet he is?

                    i would just ignore it... Unless you're practising at weird times at night and he's calling cops, i don't think there's anything to worry about!
                      Norman86 wrote: If only one person is complaining...
                      then its because they're being difficult, no question about it!
                      How else is it that your closest neighbours aren't complaining, yet he is?

                      i would just ignore it... Unless you're practising at weird times at night and he's calling cops, i don't think there's anything to worry about!
                      I dunno. Some people are timid and won't complain even if Godzilla is devouring their grandparents.

                      Again, you can't just make assumptions about weird times at night etc. people all have the right to not be disturbed in general.

                      However, I will say that AndrewD sounds like he just has a finicky neighbour on his hands, especially considering they're taken precautions to sound proof the room etc. Fair's fair.
                        I think you should not think anymore of it and just keep to your times and jam.... if he complains I find conveniantly dont notice him
                          MIKA the better one wrote: I think you should not think anymore of it and just keep to your times and jam.... if he complains I find conveniantly dont notice him
                          Till he brings a sawn off shotgun to your next practice that is.

                          2:30 to 5 on a sunday is off limits ...simply put if he can hear it you are being to loud...

                          defuse the situation and have a chat to him..and work something out otherwise it will just escalate an no one wins

                            "2:30 to 5 on a sunday is off limits ...simply put if he can hear it you are being to loud..."

                            According to who/what?
                              AndrewD wrote:

                              "2:30 to 5 on a sunday is off limits ...simply put if he can hear it you are being to loud..."

                              According to who/what?
                              After all, you agreed on this time on the first place no?!
                                The practice times are what they are because he is less likely to be sleeping at those times.
                                He works at night and sleeps during the day.

                                Its all well and good to say "no thats off limits" but give a reason..... otherwise it's just one mans word against another.
                                  AndrewD wrote:

                                  "2:30 to 5 on a sunday is off limits ...simply put if he can hear it you are being to loud..."

                                  According to who/what?
                                  If you check the other thread I posted, Tomcat made some references to the legal side: basically time of day is irrelevant, you're not allowed to disturb people with noise full stop, I believe.
                                    AndrewD wrote:

                                    "2:30 to 5 on a sunday is off limits ...simply put if he can hear it you are being to loud..."

                                    According to who/what?
                                    got me .... ?

                                    not sure of the municipal bylaws in your area but you may find a clause specifically relating to sunday arvies (or is that an urban legend)

                                      We have been told by the police, upon complaining about loud neighbours, that they will only come out if its after 22h00.

                                      So time of day must hold relevance. then again... police CAN be VERY lazy... :?