So last night, for the first time, I
was Billy Gibbons whilst playing La Grange.
Sort of.
This was the result of fooling around for hours with my Vox Valvetronix amp models, finally using the Marshall JCM 2000 model with xyz settings to get a really punchy tone for the rhythm. Stomp on the TS808 and switch to the bridge, and I get a really nice solo tone as well. I'm a very poor pinch harmonic player, but last night they were flying out of the speakers with abandon!
What is it that makes these harmonics ring out like that? I'm not adjusting my technique massively: they just suddenly become much easier to achieve. Even on unwound strings!
Is it purely a gain / overdrive thing? Obviously in that mode the guitar is much more touch-sensitive (the other model I use all the time is the Twin Reverb model) too, so things like tapping start being a lot more do-able.
Just wondering what the ideal conditions are for playing rock-style pinch harmonics, and the basics for recreating them on different rigs.