So,I bought a cab from Marshall muisic on friday,
I was told it has vintage 30's in it by the sales person,
got home after the purchase, went onto orange's cite,
its a 2x12 cab,but its rated at 120watts...thus,impossible to be v30's they said they'll order me a pair,
but I have to pay for them,not even a sorry,I am very mad,this is after spending about 16000 at them in 2days time...
I'm going their on monday,I'm considering legal action or sum thing...
Don't trust sales staff...
...Okay,everything is sorted,relieved and happy ?
It would be nice if sales staff could point out to me that a v30 is a 60watt speaker,and that I don't have to go on a googling spree to figure this out,I would still like to apology thou,so sorry,really ?