Talking about signature stuffs , look what I've done to my YJM strat ?(actually it was done by Andy) :
1. Removing the original paint and lacquering the natural Alder wood underneath .
2.Installing Fender locking tuners
3.Installing Callaham vintage bridge (narrower than original, to match the neck )
4.Installing Snake pick guard , just to match my cowboy boots 8)
Now ,this is "completely" another guitar , more in tune and more sustain ( from 3) , even more in tune (from 2) .
Anyway , I didn't bought it because of Yngwie ( I like him but I can not play him :? ) ,but because it was the only decent Fender in the store .
Also , it is amazing for (trying to ) playing Hendrix , Blackmoore and SRV kind of tunes .
One need a time to get used on those low output pups , but once in speed , they sound amazingly .