yeah thats just practise........ any reputable rock /metal shredder can do that ..........
and also remember he's playing with backing instruments .......... for me i love paco when he plays solo and backs himself then still plays his 'speed" licks.....and works it between the chords .... but playing with backing makes it so much easier...
and yeah just take a piece an work with a metronome and edge it up by a few BPM and when you crack it at that speed flawlessly then you just shift up a notch.also lots of software on line to help you build 'speed"
however i like what
tommy emmanual says ...... "you can train a monkey to play fast but you can't teach one to play with feeling ......... "
i think Brent had this in his signiture afor a long while and can correct the quote if i got it slightly wrong ......