Hi all,
My wife has excepted the challenge to clothe you all with some sweet GFSA merchandise.
Some ideas:
- T-Shirts.
- Warm zip up tops (like Norio made in the past).
- Hoodie tops.
- Caps.
- windbreaker.
- Coffee Mugs.
- Guitar strap
- Beanie.
Please discuss these ideas and add some more (and no, I'm not making a GFSA space case!).
The plan:
- Set a list of items for sale.
- Decide on a design for each item. (The GFSA logo stays the same).
- Sell these to you at the best possible price.
- Payment strictly Internet banking.
My wife and I are not going to be making money out of this. We do this for the love of GFSA.
I understand your frustration, since this would be the 3rd attempt and I guarantee you this is it!
Please use this thread to discuss all the info I gave above.
Norio, could you maybe setup a merchandise[at]guitarforum.co.za account for me to use?
I will send you more info regarding design submission tomorrow!
Let's do this!
Wifey will be joining GFSA later tonight, please play nice ?