Alan Ratcliffe wrote:
Hi Johann and welcome. Come to the Dark Side, welcome to the machine, c'mon in... the water's fine, we have cookies, etc...
Like the cookies ... ?
Thanks, for the warm welcome guys.
Favorite bands would be Metallica, Nightwish, Breaking Benjamin, Dragonforce, Pink Floyd, The Eagles, Bon Jovi, Prime Cirle, Seether, ……… basically I listen to everything , depended on my mood.. When it comes to influence on my music, well that can be anything,
Gear wise is as follows :
Guitars : 2 x Ibanez Guitars, 1 Squire strat, Can’t remember for the life of me what the model number are. Will post pics of them.
Amp : Fender FM212R
FX : Boss GT 8 Pedal, and the Boss DR-880
Just got back from Marshall Music, was thinking of buying a ESP Eclipse, and I was also checking out the Marshall valve amps, something like a TSL602 or TSL 100.
On the band side of things, we’re just a couple of guys getting together to jam for the fun of it. We still take it serious , so hopefully we can get something going on the SA Rock scene.
I Think SA can do with a little more rock bands….