Rudolf wrote:
I think it's a Jedi mind trick type thing huh? You gotta hold it, and if it speaks to'll know. From what I've read the Ibanez guitars don't say jack.
I think Alan's correct, first thing to do is narrow down all the options and within the pricerange, and then go from there.
But I must tell you I've held a Japanese made Ibanez JS1200 Candy Apple Red in my hands and it sang to me, "buy me buy me buy me, now, immediately"...but that was a few years ago and I didn't have the money. ?
I think a newb has to take advice from experienced guitarists who have previously made mistakes themselves, because a guitar that speaks to him today, might not speak to him in a month or two's time, and then the process of buying and selling and GAS results in a lot of wasted money.