Lethe wrote:
What do you guys think is better for a beginner to learn at first: open chords or power chords?
Power chords are obviously easier to grasp at first and quite quickly gives you a wide selection of songs to play. However, it doesn't really train your fingers and coordination like open chords do. But open chords changes are significantly more difficult to get down on the spot. Which might demotivate a beginner.
The classical method usually starts with melody lines on different strings etc. Is that the best way to go?
But what about on a more contemporary method?
Thinking back to the days when I first picked up a guitar, the open chords were easier to learn for me than barre chords and power chords, and they gave me the tools that I could use to strum a few songs.
However, and as already noted, a key factor here is what you want to play. If you want to play electric guitar and heavy metal then you probably want to go for the power chords. But heed Singemonkey's warning - going this way might render you harmonically challenged in the future. Learning open chords will open up the world of 7ths, minors and majors, 4ths and so on.