lindsmuse wrote:
I've been sent this link on FB and have been trying for days to listen to it. It starts playing and then it breaks up, lags, plays a bit, breaks up. Its frustrating - anyone know what I can do?
OK... think of this as a STREAM of music. The playing software on your PC must consume that stream at a specific speed so that the music makes sense. But what happens if the stream is not replenished quickly enough? Exactly, the player will pause, wait until some more data streams in, consume that data and then pause again. This is what's happening.
I have this quite a lot with youtube clips.
So what I do is click the "play" button and then immediately pause the player again. Then go make a cup of tea, pour a whisky, have a bath, polish shoes, waste time on or whatever else I need to do to fill in the time. (I might even play some guitar)
In the meantime the player will continue to stream data in, but because the player is paused it will not "consume" the "resource". So when you do start playing the clip a buffer of data has built up and the player will consume that data whilst it is waiting for more to stream in.
How big should the buffer be? I don't know how to calculate that. I would depend mostly on the speed of the connection between your PC and the site hosting the clip AT THE TIME. The player usually has a little two-tone progress bar so that you can see how much has been dowloaded and how much of that has actually been played. I will sometimes just click play, click pause and then wait for the download to complete until I click play again.
I doubt changing browsers will make that much of a difference in this case.