The Japanese copies only really ramped up in the late seventies. This is a pretty guitar, but it's obviously more a lookalike than a replica because of the bolt-on neck. It's definitely not worth R15,000 at this point.
From '78 or so, a whack of companies started producing really faithful reproductions of 50s and '60s American guitars. Although then, as now, the cheaper models would give you multi-piece bodies (two or three pieces) and tops and veneer flame on the flame-tops. The cheaper ones are still sought after because, again then, as now, the production quality remained superb despite less costly components.
To see an almost unbelievable collection of classic Japanese reproduction guitars with great photographs and descriptions, check out this guy's site:
Including one of the most beautiful Les Pauls I've ever seen:
I just love the hint of flame instead of the heavy tiger-stripes. Beautiful finish too.