MIKA the better one wrote:
Um I dont think any guitarist needs to be amazing to make the band. As a guitarist he can be mediocre but still do he job better than you or I or any other guy, His technical ability has nothing to do with his amazingness. Its than he knows how to write good music, and many people fing him to be a great song writer. Yes a some fellow will come along and play his songs to perfection better and cleaner than he ever did, but he still made the band because he wrote those lines. Its the character of the playing that is amazing, Kurt Cobain, not very good at guitar technically but he would get more feel across in a 2 minute punk song with 2 notes than a whole arrangement of complex music.
There are a lot of people who can't make a living in music who could have played the Zeppelin songs better than Page. But none who could have written a new one.
Frusciante will never impress Steve Vai, but he consistently writes amazing, soulful songs with exciting, moving guitar licks that show up many technically better guitarists for creativity. One hot minute had some decent tracks, and Freaky Styley was a lot of fun. But let's not kid ourselves. RHCP became a musical force when they hired Frusciante as an angry, Hendrix loving kid. When he returned, their fortunes revived. Now that he's gone again? They better have a very serious plan - like possibly the rights to about 50 unreleased Frusciante songs.