Something strange happens with me sometimes - when I bend a note on the high E string of my Epiphone, it seems that sometimes it just fades out - specifically on the 12 or 15th frets. I take a full bend and on 10 or 13 it sounds fine but on 12 or 15 it just completely loses volume. Is it my technique, or is there something physical wrong with my guitar's setup?
Can be one of two things - a dead spot in the neck (which you often can't do much about), or the frets. As it's happening on bends, my money is on the frets (you usually bend towards the middle of the fret, where the frets are higher because of the radius of the fingerboard, and the string crashes on the next fret). Try raising your action a fraction and see if that helps. If it does help, you either need to get used to the slightly higher action or have the frets touched up if you want to get the action down to where it was.
It's probably the action - I brought it down quite a bit recently to improve playability and never had that problem before.