Bob it's actually triplets.
As in fractions you get a lowest common denominator, so 3/4 and 4/4 would meet again every 12 beats. and you hit it dead right,
1 2 3 2 2 3 3 2 3 4 2 3
but some would count that in triplets like
1 -and-a-2-and-a...
The Toto song Hold the line is like that as well, the piano bit starts out in what might be 6/8, but the guitar overlaps in 4/4.
A drummer and I used to practice different timings like we would start out playing 5/4, then he would play 4/4 an dcome back to 5/4 and I would change to something else. It's all about fractions and learning to fit the different times into one another.