Ok,so im a HUGE SRV / HENDRIX fan and love "that tone" last night my pops showed me a dvd of a dude by the name of WALTER TROUT, i never heard of him ???
WHY NOT!!! this dude has captured the exact vibe i would ultimately like to be able to play oneday! his tone is RIDICULOUS (somewhat heavy for blues) but seriously that is the tone i want!!! i think he uses a mesa boogie mark 4...hmmmm i want it! any one know if you can get those heads in SA?
do yourselves a favour if you into blues and dont know this dude....he will blow your socks off! (quite literally as he jams a 4x12 cab..abit unconventional in blues scenario)
I remember my guitar teacher copying me one of his live albums on tape ages ago! I have actually lately been looking for some of his stuff again.
Blues and a mesa/boogi 4x12''?
Ja thats just strange...
But ja,think il check that guy out 2nite,thanx 4 the tip man...vreede
And i think that hav'ing the sirname 'trout' comes with sum special permit alowing any and all weerdness... 'trout' man thats weerd
Yip it is ? but VICK serioulsy this okies TONE and SKILLS will blow you away! 8)