Explorerlover wrote:
I mean, even just straplocks caused me to almost total my car twice on the way home
Ohhh that's funny. Yesterday I had the same with a guitar stand. A GUITAR STAND!?? But my Schecter does look very pretty sitting on its new throne hehe.
Interesting to see the other types also affected by GAS. Photographers and audiophiles I knew about.
Do bassists get GAS? From what I've seen, they're far less susceptible to it. In fact the people I can think of who get bass GAS (like I had a while ago) are in fact guitarists or ex-guitarists?!
Assuming that's correct, and maybe it isn't - does guitaring cause GAS, or do people with a tendency towards obsessive behaviour gravitate towards guitar? My opinion: the latter. You have to a be a little obsessive to stick with something as hard to learn as guitar.