Hi Everyone, stumbled on this website while trying to find out where to begin on my quest to learn how to play the guitar. I've been meaning to learn for years, and the other day decided to dust off the old guitar which has been sitting in my garage and learn how to play. Already addicted after only stringing a couple of songs together (My partner's getting rather annoyed by 'Wildthing') and can't wait to learn more!
Hope to learn much from the experience in the guitarforum community.
Welcome! make yourself at home, lots to learn around here.
Welcom man - so where are you from?
welcome man.
My partner's getting rather annoyed by 'Wildthing'
....then its time to learn ''smoke on the water" and "bad moon rising" ?
Hello there Daniel, welcome here and you're gonna get lots of help here....... ?
Welcome. Lots of encouragemnt on this site to get you going ?
Hi Daniel - welcome
Welcome in Daniel.
have you at least got a guitar yet?
Hi there and welcome. If you play Wild Thing you're of to a good start! First thing I learned to play with barre chords as well...
Welcome Dan! You are sure to progress if you hang around this site!
Welcome to the forum Daniel, have fun!
Thanks for all the encouragement!
@DonovanB, I've got an old nylon string guitar, have no idea on the make or model, but think it's okay for the moment. I'm thinking about getting a steel string guitar soon though. I've seen a Yamaha F310 on the Music Connection website for R1200, is this a good beginner guitar, and is this an okay price?
Thanks again!
paste a link good man...
The general question before buying a guitar is what you intend to play on it. Once you answer that question then the rest is slightly easier.
Hi Daniel welcome! Yes, you gotta do Smoke on the Water, over and over. And also the intro to Stairway to Heavan.... ?
Hey Daniel
I am in Weltevreden Park. If you need help just PM me and we can make a plan. 8)
Riaan wrote:
Hi Daniel welcome! Yes, you gotta do Smoke on the Water, over and over. And also the intro to Stairway to Heavan.... ?
...and Sweet Child of Mine.
If its for a new F-310 then I doubt you will find a better deal elsewhere, but who knows, times are tough and maybe you can negotiate it cheaper. I havent played one yet, but have never heard anybody say anything but good things about them either. Helluva difference between a nylon and a steelstring though, so play it first (if possible) and see if you're comfortable with it. Enjoy!
Welcome D! Don't forget about the intro to 'Nothing else matters' ... ?
Howzit and Welcome to the Forum...... ? ?