long time browser, first time poster. I've been playing for about 10 years now and am still as enthusiastic about it as a cat in mouse farm. Over the years i've received one or two nods of approval while noodling away...... only to be humbled again when watching somebody else makes me realize just how much i still have to learn. Anyhows, that just makes me love my hobby even more. I will update my profile and upload some pics as soon as possible. happy pickins...
Hi C77! Posters allowed, but no posers... :? Welcome man.
Welcome Chris, Have fun!
Hey Chris....Welcome to the forum.... ?
Where are you located....?
Welcome and enjoy the forum! ?
Welcome Chris.
WHat sort of music do you listen to?
howdy welcome to the forum ..... tell us about your gear and so forth
Welcome to the forum Chris..
Hey Chris, welcome to the forum.......yeah, tell what type of music you do and show us your stash!!!!
Jeez, thanks guys. Normally to get welcomed this warmly I'll have to come home with a bucket of KFC and a puppy... To answer a few quick questions - I currently reside in Kimberley but was born and raised in Bloem ( Dutchies are welcome here, I hope. We don’t all worship Steve you know..)) Like a lot of my generation I was a bit of a grunger and grew up with the music of Pearl Jam, Soul Asylum, Stone Temple Pilots and Alice in Chains shaping my musical palette. On top of that my sister was a bit of a mosher, so I got my fair fill of Metallica, G&R, AC/DC and Motley Crue as well. I still like to listen to my old faves, but my tastes have mellowed a bit. I prefer to play and listen to whatever I like and do not bind myself to any specific genre. I have a pet hate for people who judge music without listening to it, basing their opinions solely on whether it fits into their preconceived idea of what is Cool and what not. So I will enjoy anything from Frank Sinatra and Jimmu Dludlu to Led Zep and Hendrix, from Matcbox 20 and the Eels to Regina Spektor and The Wallflowers. I am currently listening to Leonard Cohens new Live in London cd and I am absolutely devouring every golden honey coated note. Favourite guitarists are Clapton and Slash, although mssrs Hendrix and Moore also tend to make my toes curl. Gearwise I dont have have that much, but they all have a personality of their own and I love 'em all to bits. I currently play a Fender CD 100ce Acoustic-electric, a Squier 20th anniversary strat, an Epiphone fat strat, a Cort E100 12 string, a 70's Ibanez Concord (daddys little girl) and an Ibanez AJD 91C, and oh yeah, my Fender G-Dec30 modelling amp. My gear kinda reflects my own philosophy in that I would rather go for personality and character over looks and reputation any day. Except maybe the AJD 91c... I would've taken her home to meet the folks even if she swore like a sailor and spat like a camel. She is that beautiful. Anyhows, a soon as I have the time to figure out photobucket i'll post you some pics.