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Gallop picking / rhythm
Yo guys
Does anyone have nice gallop picking howtos/lessons/tutorials. I know theres some metalheads on here that can help ..... *hints at manfred*
Adrian Smith and James Hetfield!!! I learned watching a tutorial from Smith.
WantzChas wrote:
Adrian Smith and James Hetfield!!! I learned watching a tutorial from Smith.
+1. Working on just about any Iron Maiden will set you on the path. It's just a fast shuffle, BTW. So you could just try play
Roadhouse Blues
at 300 BPM. ?
Get your hands on Kill 'em All, Ride the Lightning and especially Master of Puppets. If you can keep up with Hetfield while playing Battery, nothing should stand in your way.
@explorer lover.. do you play in a band?:
I used to be 8), but the work/band balance tipped in favour of work unfortunately. :'(
WantChaz which tutorial in particular?
I really can't remember. It was more of an interview than a lesson.
Ah okay, will look on you tubes
Try learning Iron Maiden's "the Trooper". The galloping effect and rhythm is excellent.
Watch this step by step videos. Hope this helps...
Thanks will check it out! Its not just about learning galloping. Its a cool rhythm trick but its also nice for a quick tempo change for one or 2 beats etc, something i struggle with.
Think of a gallop as just 4 16th notes missing one, generally this is how its tabbed out, Hourglass from Lamb of God is a perfect example. Intro to Hourglass
7h8 9h10
Try playing Destroy The Runner's 'Thoughts In Reverse'. Quite a bit of galloping in there. Or Elegy by As I Lay Dying has some cool gallop picking from 2:03 - 2:30.
hey dudes
mr kerry king is 'nother dude with some serious gallop picking chops. check out slayer's raining blood, the part that follows the intro. look for his signature amp vid on youtube, both the guitar world and marshall demo's, so you can examine his technique.
is galloping like the song from heart;barracuda ???