yeah thanks Riaan..... i was initially very interested in this......
and i read a few reviews to date including the video one on you tube.... and like the idea...
but awefully expensive for what it is.....
my one gripe is that there are so few inputs....
these days 8 channel mixers are way compact and they coulda for that price made it a bit more versatile.... when i work solo i use 8 channels and it's all live....1) internal pickup of guitar ... 2) a condenser guitar mic.... 3/4/5/) 3 x percussion mics and 6) a vocal mic ...and 7/8 ) stereo input for ipod for music in breaks .... so i would have to use an external mixer .... so yeah a weak point i think there ...
the concept is great and as the article says wait a bit and behringer or someone else will bring out something cheaper more versatile and lighter....
weight wise it's still too heavy at 17kg take on a plane and still take a guitar and a case or things to wear.... but i think it is the start of a new way of seeing solo/duo pa systems which is good....
it's only when you travel a lot .... and not on a huge tour budget that enables you to fly your gear via air cargo around the world start to see the value in a lightweight yet decent PA system/amp and thus far few companies have woken up to this..... but gear is getting more compact and lightweight..... so i think seeing something like this produced commercially is the start of a trend.....
and i have a real passion...well it's actually become a hobby of mine to see just how lightweight i can get a 100W to 200W rig.... and still have the features i need..... and even make it battery powered ...
i have discovered and bought a 10 channel desk that behringer make Eurorack UBB1002 that is both adaptor and battery powered and is a full featured mixed weighs in at 2.5 kg but i have just seen that beringer have now released a Xenyx version of the same desk...not yet available in this country .... and i can't seem to get my hands on a spec sheet...only operating manuals are available...... its Xenyx 1002B the eurorack version i use live and is awesome and full featured desk..... so i'm hopeing the 'cheaper" version the xenyx will have a plastic chassis and be lighter.. and i am aiming at one of them for travelling ....i know that the xenyx will be a lower quality than eurorack but to me it's all for live use and travel/busking use.... so a little noise is worth the mixer being 1kg lighter cos the eurorack has a solid steel chassis and built like a tank....
so my mission continues.... i will keep you posted ..... and gearhead is even looking into designing a custom design portable/battery/mains powered 100W system for me.... which i'm very excited about ....seems the technology is out there to do what i want just need someone technically skilled like gearhead to actually pull it together .....
yeah so exciting times and Riaan and everybody else if anybody see's any ligtweight systems....or has any idea's please contact me or just add to this post.... cos i have the philosoph of cutting even a few hundred gram's off something all adds up.... for example i recently bought an skb style classical case from a french company that weighs in at only 3.2 kg (without the guitar) ..... my last flight case was almost 6 kg without the guitar .... so this is my mindset ...and the goal is a rig with everything i need including guitar for about 12/13 kg but 10 kg would be 1st prise.... but i am realistic.... heheheh
so guys any idea's on how to cut down....or get a system to do this???
peace and light
peace and light