Here we go with voting on our first leg (of 3 of the ) Guitar Talk Lockdown challenge.
Part 2 will kick off on the 8th April, W'ere still getting together backing tracks for it - if you have a backing track to contribute please add it to this thread - thanks!
Voting closes for Part 1 on Tuesday, 7th April @ 23:59...and remember we're counting votes over all three rounds!
Meticus - LoCkDoWn Challenge Pt.1
Thanks to @Yeti for that convenient background 😀
So, here my track for the next challenge (DAW group)... volume of the pipe is a bit lower this time and the guitar stands out a bit more (however the end of the bagpipe track is indeed a little icepicky, but I'm sure you will overcome xD).
V8 - Jammin' with the Pimmp
Warts n all - it's a live jam entry. Used Guido's track. Played the nylon strung pimpocacster through a Roland GR-S pedal on 'the hammond organ' patch, Doubled the guitar part for the first 4 bars, then used caged major shapes to flesh out the next four bars and then tried to let loose. And fell on my face...F*&ing low tension strings and rusty fingers 😁
WarrenPridgeon - Lockdown Part 1
Here's my first piece of music in a while again... I tried to make some sort of latin rock thingy.