guidothepimmp Strings also - found a similar effect with higher output strings. Had a set of GHS bass boomers - then switched to a set of cheaper string (can't recall) - but the G string snapped and I just re-used the bass boomer G string. I wouldn't have noticed the output difference unless I had the strings side by side on the same bass - the GHS boomers are indeed a loud string - so much so I had to pull the that side of the pup down to compensate, That was a new one for me.
Tuckstir I find it very Fascinating that the sound of a guitar has 100's of different factors,
Yeah, a lot of variables - though what gets me the interactions between them is where the dark art lies (strings, pup heights/types, woods, construction,, wiring, pick vs fingers, pedals, etc...). Each one a topic on it's own. Evnetually, much like @wern101 I conclude I just like making music...
Though, the pot swop I did on the Pbass over Xmas mad a world of difference (now 500k pots vs 250k's). As the wise fellows on talkbass had already debated, more top-end and a hint of more presence - just what the Dimarzio split P pups needed (they can be a touch dark in some basses apparently).