The footswitch (IFS2G) I received works. It switches the tubescreamer on/off, as well as the boost. Good. But when I switch off the tubescreamer, the LED starts glowing softly after a while, and the tubescreamer "phases" in on the normal channel, sort of switching itself on again? No problems when I unplug the footswitch. I tried testing the switch, but cannot find any continuity whichever way I switch. With the multimeter on a low ohm setting the LED's will light up when switched. On DC Volt setting the multimeter shows potential across the jack pins when switched. Doing this, I would expect the mutlimeter to show continuity too?
Anybody had a problem with this footswitch before, I suspect the real problem must be in the amp socket, the foostswitch switch (rather small flimsy thing on a PC board) should not "leak"? Ideas to fault-find some more?
Hmmm, from what I can see (looking at pics online) the footswitch brings power to the LEDs and turns the section on/off.
So, it could be a faulty stomp switch. If you are measuring on the footswitch side (plugged in to the amp). You should have voltage from sleeve to ring and sleeve to tip. Tip would be boost (or tubescreamer) and ring would be the other. Sleeve is a common ground. If the switch is off, you should have no voltage on the led.
With the pedal unplugged, you can measure between the pins of the footswitches to determine if they are grafting fine. Pin 1 and 2 should beep in position 1 and pin 2 and 3 should beep in position 2. If there is any continuity between the 2 positions, it's a faulty switch. If it's "Clean" unplugged, must be a problem in the amp, I suspect?
Now I'm truly spitballin', but you could plug a stereo 6.3mm jack plug (nothing connected) into the footswitch port and see what happens then. If there is still some bleed over, you know it's the amp.
Thanks, I shall look into it some more, I have a stereo patch cable here, that would make measuring it easier. Can I PM you with the circuit schematic to obtain more info on the 15W / 5W switch electronics? Which should be disseminated on the forum as general information... later.
Paul E
My experiments show the tip to be the TubeScreamer, yes. I plugged in the stereo patch (mono wired on the tip and sleeve only...) and used crocodile clips on a short lead to "short'" out the tip - sleeve, which switches on the overdrive, with the LED on the amp lighting up. Removing the crocodile clips to switch off the overdrive, the amp keeps on working in normal model without the boost circuit interfering, hooraaay! Thus - Faulty pedal switch. Thing is, posting it back to the shop is a hassle, and the replacement may be the same. Oh well, will contact them, and post it back. Handy to not to have to lean over and hit switches on the amp, much easier with the footswitch at hand. I use them as "handswitches", not being able to stomp.
Thanks for the stereo jack tip, you were not spitballin' after all.
Glad you found the problem!