Welcome to the 1st GFSA "Open Mic Night"!
T'was a mini challenge this month, a whole minute of your mic'ed goodness, be it cellphone, laptop or actual mic - we wanted to hear you live!
I really liked this idea - if people think it's worth doing again sometime? (Not too soon, but next year?)
Let's have two groups this month :
Pool A : Stoffeltoo, Wern101 and Peterleroux
Pool B : Studmissile and Meron Rigas
You've got two votes to cast before voting closes on September 30, 2016, 09:24am.
[b]Pool A[/b]
[b]Wern101 - I didn't know[/b]http://guitarforum.co.za/gfsacomps/wern101.mp3
[i]Simple acoustic recording with reaper. No looper was abused in the making of this track.[/i]
[b]Stoffeltoo - Own little skit [/b]http://guitarforum.co.za/gfsacomps/mp3s/stoffeltoo.mp3[i]I recorded this entry while performing all actions simultaneously
Recorded in stereo with three mikes, one condensor and two dynamic mikes, all on phantom power to boost signal
AI Lexicon Lambda
DAW Reaper and Rendering to MP3 in Audacity[/i]
[b]Peterleroux - Danny Boy[/b]
[i]Fingerstyle arrangement of Londonderry Air for the beginners category. Learnt it earlier this year for a funeral.[/i]
[b]Pool B[/b]
[b]Studmissile - Too Soon An Angel[/b]
[i]Title : "Too Soon An Angel", courtesy of Marnie Cole[/i]
[b]Meron Rigas - Clueless[/b]
[i]Sadly, I tweaked my back last week and couldn't play, so I have to use a old recording of what I wanted to re-record. Circa 2014, one take on my cheap nylon stringer - captured with laptop mic, tweaked in Reaper (reverb & compression) [/i]
(old forum) Poll Results: "Open Mic Night" - VOTE!
- wern101: 2
- Stoffeltoo: 6
- Peterleroux: 2
- Studmissile: 5
- Meron Rigas: 3