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Ground Loop/Hum Elimination Boxes
Hi. So I finally managed to setup the 4-cable method with the Marshall 410HJS. First time around there was no noise. Then a simple change of power supplies and replacing two guitar cables (brand new)...enter ground loop hum/noise. This is not the first time I have experienced ground loop problems though... >☹
So...I have read up about various devices to remove ground loop (ground loop noise) from my setup. Here are the takers:
1. EB Tech Hum Eliminator (too expensive)
2. ART Cleanbox II Hum Eliminator (about R1100)
3. Behringer HD400 Hum Destroyer (about R700)
Does anyone have experience using any of these devices and does it really work? I'm sick of constant ground loop problems and do not have the technical skills to modify cables etc. ☹
Had the same problem recently. Never suspected a cable fault. I took the cables back to the shop and they tested it. Both were defective and promptly replaced. Hum problem gone ?
Hi I found this on this on the Behringer
It certainly looks like it works very well, except for the 2db loss