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what are you guys up to this weekend?
hey guys ?
hope you all well. just thought i'd put up a post and see what the rest of you guys are up to this weekend ?
myself, i'm going to laying low pretty much this evening, probably just spend my evening tuning in to the soccer preview for this weekend. tomorrow, i'm looking to head out the evening, play some pool, and grab a few beers.
what the rest of you hombres got planned ? ?
Not practicing guitar?
Relocating kids to new flat at Varsity tomorrow which is totally interfering with my kuier plans >☹.
Then Sunday morning worship service and going solo for the first time.
Sunday afternoon band rehearsal with a special bunch of fellas
Watching some Coursera videos and playing as much guitar as possible tomorrow. Blind cricket practice on Sunday. Will also try and fit in a braai somewhere. Browse the classifieds like every other day and look for that Tokai Les Paul with my name on it.
Doing a Saturday afternoon gig ?