Would've loved to categorize this question, but can't really.
I returned to the guitar after an absence while spending time on piano. Noticed suddenly that there is this nasty buzz on the A string. Can't remember that from before and it might be a 'player problem' but it seems if I capo at fourth fret it's better, still there but better (less frequent)..
Thought it might need a set-up, so I toyed with my brothers G-series. There, but better....haven't checked that one with the capo...
Had is set up at the Fret shop quite some time ago, but had to change the pickup element a while back and compensate the saddle, also I think the gauge might be lighter than what it had with the set up...
So I been thinking (as I can't recall this on my 12 string) that I should get a 12 for the wider neck (player problem, noticed my fingers touching adjacent strings). I don't really want to fork out my savings if a setup is the answer...
What do you guys think? Me? The guitar? The strings?
Yup, its a setup issue. A lighter gauge equates to less tension which will cause the neck to backbow slightly as it was setup to cope with higher tension.
I dont think you need to take it in again. If youre comfortable you could try a small turn on the truss rod. In this case a slight counterclockwise turn. Think a 1/8th turn at a time if youre unsure.
This assuming you want the lighter gauge.
The easiest fix would be upping the string gauge.
If the truss adjustment doesnt sort it, then id revisit the nut.
Been looking at another guitar even, but I think about the only solid tops out there under R4k is Cort, so then why change?
Thanks Guido. Decided to up the string gauge and buy a new saddle, just in case I need it. Seeing as when I replaced the UST I had to take a bit off the saddle to compensate.
The number 1 cause of a buzzing string, is an old string.
If your strings are somewhat worn, I'd recommend changing them too.
And thereafter a set up if the issue persists. (especially if you've not had one since a season or two ago, switching between wet and dry seasons can wreck havoc on a set up).