Hello, everybody.
My name is Leon and I'm an addict. Not only in guitars, but all kinds of musical instruments. My current list stands as follows:
6 String Acoustic: 3
12 String Acoustic: 1
Classical 6 string: 3
Acoustic Bass: 1
Electric Bass: 1
Electric guitars: 4
Resonator: 1
Flying V Ukulele "Metalele": 1
5 String Banjo: 1
Yamaha Organ: 1
Rhodes Mark V piano: 1
"Frankenleslie" speaker: 1
Viscount X125-B speaker with 3-way static as well as Leslie tremolo unit: 1
Peavey 6505 120W head: 1
Line 6 Spider III 120W head + FBV Shortboard: 1
Line 6 Spider 412 Cab: 1
Orange Micro Terror + matching 108 cab: 1
11 guitar Effects & volume pedals, 8 of which are on my huge pedal board
I probably have other stuff I've forgotten about and the list is growing.
I've built one Flying V kit (Put in actives instead of the std passives), refinished a ukulele in satin black, chopped up a Thomas organ to make a "Franken"Leslie, I'm busy building the control circuitry to use the Viscount as a stand-alone amp with 1/4" input and I'm restoring a lap steel from the 1940's.
In between all that I am the bearded guitarist with Adorned in Ash
http://adornedinash.com/ and I have a day job too.
I hope to be of assistance as I'm known for researching the hell out of anything.
See you on the flipside
If you'd like to help this person outgrow his house totally, dial 1-800-he-needs-more-instruments