Paul E wrote:
I use those exact enclosures. The primer is about the only part of my paint job i got right. I used Rustoleum Primer. It worked very well!
I'll keep that in mind if I run into any more problems!
Psean wrote:
What pedals are you busy with btw? Been meaning to ask if you got that crunch clone done yet.
I actually have six of them in the works at the moment. Three of them I am painting and three of them I am getting engraved by a friend
I made a Tap Tempo Tremolo like the one JohnnyB did. To be engraved. Love the sound! Trem is my favourite modulator.
I made a Spring reverb with a spring tank. To be engraved. I like the sound, but I have tested a nice digital reverb unit since then and I am keen to hear it again to listen to how the sound compares.
I made a Crunch box clone. Made for the guy who is doing the engraving, so he will decorate that one. It is such a great sounding pedal! I am thinking of making myself one now!
I made a Timmy clone. To be painted. Haven't really tested this one yet.
I making a channel switcher for my amp. To be painted
I making a control switch for a friend's Boss RC-3. To be painted
The switcher and control switch I have all the parts for, but because of the small size of the enclosure, I will need to solder them once they are mounted inside the enclosure.