Does it matter?
Not at all. In fact many of us more anal types will "roll" our preamp valves, trying different brands in different positions (V1, V2, V3, etc.).
Marvellous, thank you! It sounds great the way it is, and the Power Amp tubes all match so I reckon I'm good.
Just for interest sake what amp are you playing and what 12AX7's do you have in there?
It's an AC30cc2x. One JJ, one Sovtek and one Tungsol. The JJ in first position.
The next question is, which Tungsol and which Sovtek. If it is a Sovtek WA you may want to run it in V1, they are good for that unless you need tons of drive.
No clue I'm afraid and I've put her all back together again. (The cc2x requires your remove the entire amp chassis to access the tubes) ☹
If and when my OCD kicks in, what would you recommend for a quiet and good 12ax7? I don't like driving the preamp too much, I leave the master volume full open and just push the pre until it bites back.