this sunday 19th May at lunchtime see's me doing the instrumental jazz guitar set at the fabulous Bella Sophia , c/o 18th ave and Chamberlain street , Riviera, pretoria...
venue has a lovely balcony and will be serving a 3 course set menu (with options of dish's) for R129 / head
restaurant opens at 11 am but lunch is served closer to noon, live music from noon into early afternoon.
please book as space is limited , for bookings call 012 940 1650
food is amazing and it's a fabulous vibe ,
as always my shows are 100% live ... no backtracks are used.... everything you hear is created live
if any players are coming and you can play jazz ..... pm me and we can organise for you to sit in with me on a few songs.... i'm always up for collaborations