Great input thus far guys!
Aja that Epi amp is beyond cool, why can't I find cool stuff like that. Nick's Marshall JMP 50 I have heard, great amp.
ShaunF, if I had that amp collection I don't think I could pic a favourite either.
Vic, that AC30 is so clean it is unbelievable. Copper panel too, wow.
TomCat I really dig the mini-stack, very cool 8)
Alan, I have never played a Twin, but it is very hard to go wrong with a BF Fender amp.
Keira, I am starting to think a small amp like that could be really useful in my office. Kinda reminds me of the Champ I had.
To keep things moving I will post a pic of my #2
This amp needed quite a bit of work, but in the end it was worth it. New grill cloth, 2 new speakers, caps etc. It changed my view on 10 inch speakers.
All the glory of Fender tone.