:-[ My apologies
ShreddySmurf wrote:
If you're thinking about it because it's up on the Steam sale, keep in mind that there's an accompanying cable -> USB device that you HAVE to have in order to play the game (and you would need to buy separately).
I nearly pulled the trigger on this, but I read up about it quite a bit, watched some videos, and quite honestly the constant automatically shifting "difficulty" will just be frustrating for someone trying to learn to play a song properly. Looks like it might be fun, but not great as a learning aid.
Yeah the cable is about R325 from TakeAlot. Saw the 50% off if bought through steam.
There's an option to stop the difficulty from shifting.
RJN wrote:
Is there any "LAG/DELAY" on this system ?
IE: when you play a chord/note , theres a delay between the guitar and the game ?
One reviewer experienced some delay while using it on his XBox but I think that he was connecting to his TV via HDMI and that's what was causing most of his issues.