Here's a question for forumites - The Roland Cube, in its various designations, has been out for many years and has established a good reputation for its tonal qualities and its reliability - Who has ever had problems with their Cube? I will be very interested to find out.
I love my cube(s)! Solid as a tank!
Roland cubes i see as the swiss army knife of amps , there may be better, more specialised tools for the job but like the swiss army knife the cube is well built, durable, compact, reliable and will get the job done ...
I've had four Cubes to date... Never even a hint of an issue with any of them... Currently my Micro-cube is getting all the playtime I have available... I have the highest regard for the Cube range. Prefer them to most for their simplicity, durability and decent tone(s) on tap...
A solid +1, Keira...
They are pretty much bomb-proof. There's a series of videos from Andertons, where they purposely try to break or blow a Micro Cube and cannot.
I opened mine up to fit a external speaker jack ...... construction wise its very well made .... ditto on Keira's comment
BTW: plugging my Cube into a 12" external speaker makes you wanna love it even more
Attila wrote:
I opened mine up to fit a external speaker jack ...... construction wise its very well made .... ditto on Keira's comment
BTW: plugging my Cube into a 12" external speaker makes you wanna love it even more
We connected this little cube to the speaker column as shown for rhythm guitar
Hmmmm......So far it's all good, all positive comments. Not one report of trouble...............YET! 8)
bass cube, have it for a few years now, solid amp no worries.
Yup, bullet proof
The only regular thing I've seen over time with many cubes is that the input jack's mounting nut/washer (plastic b.t.w) comes undone and the jack falls inside the amp - but this is after plenty of use/playing time - and the spare is usually easy to get hold from Roland SA and cheap as chips!
Love my Micro Cube too!
Getting spares for Boss or Roland gear in SA is super easy. Which makes them even more reliable because they are simple to fix as well.
What a testament in this day and age! There must be thousands of these amps out there and yet, to date, we haven't had one report of a break down.
I am sure that tonally they are not perfect but no amp really ever is, we seem to always be wanting something else, but boy do they give you some value for money!
I have an XL40 and my only gripe, a minor one at that, is that there is no way of adjusting the frequency of the delay. The distortion channels are all useable if you spend some time fiddling, that equals less gear to carry (no pedals), less to get nicked and less to go wrong, for what I am doing there is plenty of volume for playing in bars. It doesn't give me stretched arms like a Boogie combo or Super Lead head. Perfect!
A very happy medium/compromise! What a piece of gear!