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Durbanites: Anyone keen to test drive a Craig Amp?
Okay, so I'll probably be in Durban this weekend. I'm able to bring my amp down with me if any of you want to try it out, and I figure this will be the best opportunity for you guys to hear a Craig Amp first hand (and before the Joburg guys get to hear it ?). I'm pretty flexible in terms of time, anything between Friday and Sunday evening will work, as long as we decide on it beforehand, and someone can provide a suitable venue. So think about it and let me know ?
Oooh tempting.
venues are not easy to organise though. :-\
a garage, braai and valve amps ? ?
I am keen if anything transpires. I'd love to hear what that amp is capable of. Sadly I can't provide a venue...
Manfred Klose wrote:
a garage, braai and valve amps ? ?
And this is why the cpt guys have get togethers and the rest of us sit on our thumbs >☹
Manfred Klose wrote:
a garage, braai and valve amps ? ?
I currently have none of those... :'(