Two Fender bassman heads were droppwd off here today, here in Bloem from CPT. As the story goes, the guy was playing a gig and smoke came pouring out of the Bassman head and it died, seriously. He took it to some amp shop in CPT where he lives and they told he he blew the opt transformer and thay had "removed" it. Five months later they had done nothing so he retrieved the amp and transformer and sent it up here.
It was the mains transformer they removed (God, I hope the tech wasn't that ignorant or confused). The first thing I did was to pull the fuse and some moron with a room temperature IQ had put a 12 amp fuse in there. Now, the smoke seems real in my mind's eye. I have not metered or tested the transformer but my hopes are dim. If it turns out to be nuked, is there a place here in SA where I can buy a replacement. My experience with rewinders is mixed and I'm a bit dubious.
I have an assortment of about 40 mains transformers but I doubt I'll have one with the correct bias winding since, by memory, this is a fixed bias amp. I could always re-engineer the output stage to be self biased with the owner's consent, but this would seriously alter the sound. I may be crying wolf too soon, but I supect the worst... 12 amps!!!!! Hell
The other Bassman has a hum and microphonic troubles, no big deal.
Ideas, suggestions?
hey bud. contact karel mars on this forum or search his name on google (mars amps). he winds any transformer you want! great stuff too...
Fortunately the transformer tested good and was reinstalled. The major problem was a filter cap that shorted and smoked a 1K resister. I recapped all the electrolytics, reset the bias and replaced 3 tubes and the Bassman sings. Per the date code it was made on the 17th day of the 7th month 1968.
The second Bassman had a microphonic 12AT7 and an almost dead 6L6GC. Swapped them with 2 used test 80% RCA 6L6's, recapped all the electrolytics and this is now a nice amp.
The owner got lucky, but I have to wonder? He took his amp to a really big music store in CPT that begins with "M", who farmed out the amp to someone whose name begins with "J", who yanked the mains xfmr and held the damn amp for 5 months. I sincerely hope this amp tech "J" wasn't trying to screw the musician out of a transformer for whatever purpose? Either money or he needed a xfmr, or both. I've made mistakes before and will live hopefully to make a lot more, but really! This amounts to incompetence or fraud. I suspect the latter.
Peace, and All You Need is Love
As of this morning, one amp is off to the father in Kimberely and the other to the son in CPT.
Bobby had a big smile on his face while playing theough both. The Sovteks had a bit of a dark sound and the RCa 6L6's were warm and louder.
Enjoy guys, you made me feel good.
HEy, I am the owner of one of those bassman Tops (My dad the other), what a joy it has been having Mark Wilson work on my gear.
I like the letter 'M' that had my amp (for 5 months) and then they gave it to 'J'...who did 'F 'all.
Simple maths: M + J+F all= no amp that will ever work, lies and more lies, crap, dissapointment, followed by more no amp working borrowing amps that sound shit from strangers and once again more bullshit
I must say Mark Wilson, thank you, the amps sound increadible. It was an absolute pleasure having my vintage valve amps repaired and serviced by you.
And the 24 watt clone of the Fender Pro Tweed 1954 that you built and let me try out also sounds seriously great, I was immediately in love with that tone, very much like my bassman, yet a little more snappy as it breaks up earlier. Will post clip of tone.
This is honestly the first time I have in my 27 years of experience (note same length of time as Nelson was in prison), found a person that actually knows what the hell he is doing as well as someone that can actually explain things clearly and actully get increadable results in such a short time.
MY amp is alive and working again! after I was told it died.
MY 27 years of being in Non Competent Valve Amp Technician Prison have ended thanks to Mark Wilson.
Ok bad jokes aside.
Mark I have a gig coming up on Thursday at the Mahogany Room in Cape Town and I can't wait to have my Bassman or perhaps the Fender Pro top glowing from the back of the stage and getting that wonderful warm tone that I have grown to love after all these years, Thanks again, sincerley.
Mark Buchanan- Guitarist for Closet Snare
Ps will contact you shortly re: Fender pro . Absolutely love it. Great tone, best amp I have heard in years.
I'm going back 20 years to my own bassman amp, and the only man I ever trusted with that amp... Chris Rowe Wilson.
He owned a fine collection of immaculately restored fender valve amps and would advise me not to entrust the amp and any old techie with a soldering iron. :-[
Mine kicked arse BIGTIME and I am eternally grateful to have had a true expert work on it. 8)