Alan Ratcliffe wrote:
The Ibbys are also well made, but the necks are way to skinny for me - and tone lives in the neck, IMO.
This thread inspired me to dust off the ol' bass weapon (hohner jack) for the last hour. This is what I swopped the Ibanez for, I know Alan and I are fans, but it's definitely an acquired taste. Still have to get the pickups rewired ala Alan, and pop a string adapter on it - otherwise this thing thunders.
DaFiz wrote:
...A cheapie will not be adequate for a recording project
Can't say I agree that a good cheapie wouldn't get the job done, it depends on symbol's requirements? I hadn't played much bass before the Ibanez and the slimmer neck helped me immensely, but bass players told me I sounded like a guitar player trying to play bass ?. I did some listenable, home studio stuff on the Ibanez and it was ok, although I did get some work done on it (nut, strings, action).
Agreed, a pro/quality studio is another story :-[ And the Fender of yours is ideal & a absolute steal!