Keira WitherKay wrote:
yep i'm in agreement that you need to be patient for the buyer that wants your guitar ....maybe if it's 100% original think of having it feature on some of those rare guitar sites........... which means shipping worldwide if someone bites............. but do some research as in what model and what condition is the most desirable..........
not a bass someone would want to play ... i used to own one about 20 yrs ago they not great players and have a very 'light" sound but they look cool ? so if it's mint i'm trying to point out that a player will only pay 5K for it cos it's not the best bass out there if they looking to gig it ... not like a vintage 60's P bass that is very usable today but a collector should be your target market for sure
The early 60's "Cavern Bass" is the most desireable one. Google for pics of these earlier violin basses. These were dirt cheap in the late 60's..... even here in SA. They give excellent results with the Vox Foundation bass amps of the later 60's.