Led Zeppelin - immigrant song
that tremolo strum the guitar does when the verse starts.
i am not that much clued up on what page used back then.
What amp did he use on that song, cause i really like that tremolo sound alot.
what pedal would be a good alternative to mime that sound?
I don't know exactly what they used - it's choppier than I expect from an amp trem. But you should be able to get a good version of it from any tremolo pedal.
its sounds really warm, and almost could be some studio magic.
i am not really clued up on tremolo pedals thats why i ask
Nothing special I can hear, but it comes in with the bass, which adds to the effect. Nice room ambience on all the guitars though (under the reverb) - obviously a real room.
Classic Page production, kick, snare and bass are pretty dry and right up the middle, OH's quite tightly panned with a bit of plate 'verb to the sides. Main guitar to the left with long plate reverb panned all the way right and that is reversed on the tremolo guitar. Simple, but effective.
BTW - if you listen to the remasters version, the ambience and 'verbs are a lot clearer compared to the LZIII version. ?