I have a gig at moment of writing this , i'm on a break but need some info . So today on my way to my melville gig i stopped at jenny's execu pawn and find and buy a dynacord dc120 a 12 inch guitar amp combo . Two channels and spring reverb with reverb tank and chorus , i tried a quick google search but no joy finding any info . It's obviously german made or so the amp says but it has a celestian 12 inch speaker , i was brave and using it right now onstage with both my archtop set up on one channel and my nylon string on other and so far it sounds great . So now someone tell me about this amp ? thanks in advance
I dunno about Dynacord's guitar amps...they were famous for PA's in the 60's and 70's...real high quality PA systems (PA amp - and echo/reverb chambers) and great sounding column speakers.
Congrats on your find.
Thanks guys , another set played on the amp and getting a real almost hi fi clean tone but still round and warm , but it was a total impulse buy but so far i like it and if what i read about dynacord being high quality builds this will be a keeper , oh it's solid state and i read they made hybrid tube solid state amps and the drive channel says tube drive but i cant see the tube unless it's inside the chassis which is sealed but i have no interest in drive so be cool if it's a good dual channel , i really have to curb my pawn shop habit ? but i can't pass one without going in ? i find too many deals i can't walk away from . Such an addict
I had a Dynacord tape-echo unit that I gave to Matta. Apparently they were a well regarded company but I know nothing about their guitar amps.