AcousticJunkie wrote:
After a few weeks of excited anticipation, last night witnessed our first evening of the SoundBoard Acoustic club. A great evening was had by all... The small but enthusiastic crowd was treated to some incredible local talent supported by a few GFSA members. The general view from both artists and visitors was that the event was great and should be repeated - frequently.
I will take that as a vote of confidence and will start preparing for Edition 2 in March....... watch this space.... Thanks to everyone who attended.
Super! I'm really glad you had a good time and may this event go from strength to strength.
Squonk wrote:
Good Stuff - Keep us posted
How far is Irene from JHB?
Here from our valley you would probably rather take the N1. Irene is Centurion for all intents and purposes, I'd say roughly 40km from us. Maybe we should share transport and rock up together at the next one. I'm just hoping it will be on the right Wednesday as I have a standing appointment for every other Wednesday.