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Top 10 Guitar Spin FAILS on Youtube
Check it out, I get douche-chills just watching some of these guys.
I feel sorry for the guitars ☹ , but I'm laughing at the spinners :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:
thats no way to treat an expensive musical instrument boy !!!!
funny as ell though
The guy hitting the vocalist with his guitar is funny!!! ?
My sides are hurting :roflmao:
what a bunch of to**ers ........... but i guess thats rock and roll ......... i'm more cool with the dudes trying it in the heat of the moment onstage but the dudes deliberately doing it ......... mmmmmm not cool .........
but 10/10 for number 6 the hard rockers vocalist who got smacked in the face by his guitarists "swing' and just recovered ...........hey now thats a "the hard man of hard rock" and should be respected ........ ? the show went on .......... loved it ..but i'd put money down that he kicked the sh*t out of "guitar boy" after the show........ ?