Trubore wrote:
So my mother took out Insurance on some of my gearat a well known insurance company.
She put up my strat for R10k and my Orange for R5k. It was put up as mobile items, so they know I transport it.
What is your experience with insurance on gear? Will they have issues paying out as they don't know the precise value of the instrument? As far as I know the didn't even take the serial number.
Just wondering, don't want to pay for four years, it gets stolen and then I Could have brought new gear for the cost of insurance...
How much are you paying for the cover?
All my gear falls under my normal insurance cover and I can get more cover should I get to the stage where gear becomes mobile. Specifying each item would of cost me about an extra R400 a month and that's for a pedal board, half stack, head and extra amp and 4 guitars, PA, speakers and stand, mics etc.
Take a TONNE of photos and write them to CD/DVD and lock them away, keep a copy at work, parents house etc. Get your cover checked on the aniversary of your cover each year to make sure that you're still covered for the correct amount, if premiums increase, check that the replacement value of the guitar hasn't dropped. Not really an issue with guitars, but worth looking into.
Make sure that you're taking cover for replacement value.