So I'm busy with a 5W tube project and I've got just about all the parts, just waiting on the blank chassis.
What I wanted to know from those whom have gone before me is, what would be an in expensive way to make a face plate that still looks professional for sales purpose?
I sometimes set my building standard bar higher than usual. I want it to look like it could've been in a shop :-[ ?
What about using thin clear Perspex with reverse printing in black vinyl - strip out the lettering - then apply a white vinyl or paint back onto that. or what ever contrasting colour combinations
So you end up having a Plexi type faceplate with a black background and white lettering - very tasty and inexpensive.
or stick the vinyl stigga right onto the chassis after pealing off the lettering - black face with silver lettering as an option you could put clear vinyl over that for a bit of protection - not my first choice
Any number plate signage shoppe will do that for you for a few bucks,
The same guys who laser cut the parts of your chassis usually are able to laser engrave the lettering as well (they turn off the oxygen and use a lower laser power). If you ask them to cut more than just superficially you might even be able to brush the faceplate before applying black paint into the engraving. Put some clear lacquer over the top and it will not only look professional, it will be professional.
The only problem is that if you want to add something or change the face config in the future .... you'll end up sticking something over the engraving anyway ... my 3 1/2 cents
Thanks guys.
I was actually thinking of going along the lines of a plexi type faceplate.
? thanks again. Now just to find a place open this time of year ??? lol