Keira WitherKay wrote:
so yes ....... with the heavy guage strings on .......the guitar rocked ..........i tried lighter guages ( 11 - 48) only to have it sound horrid ............ all in all 4 string changes in a week .........and it seems despite loving the tone with the heavy guage .......i would have to step away from intoducing a steel string into my arsenal as my hands literally ached after a few hours play .......... and at my age (almost 50) and taking into account i play 4 - 6 hours a day everyday sometimes even more , i'm afraid to put my hands under any added strain ...........
Well I was nearly 50 when I started playing again. I bought a Takamine dreadnought and was playing with... well 11s at least. And I didn't have the advantage of having my playing muscles in some kind of shape already. So it can be done.
The two guys I think of as "hard men" are Sez Adamson and Martin Simpson. Sez plays with 14s. Simpson, when I saw him at two guitars - one with 13s and one with pretty heavy plain strings that he was using for slide. That guitar was set up with a higher action, and he still did some regular finger style stuff on that as well. OK... the slack key tuning would have taken some of the tension out, but still...