It's difficult to find some parts for MIJ guitars in SA, particularly some Fenders where the specs are
slightly different. My MIJ Jazz Bass was born with a white scratch plate, removed by the previous owner (don't blame him, white on burst is not my favourite either 'cept for teles) and replaced with a ill fitting black one (basically trimmed with garden shears to fit around the control plate).
My attempts to replace were not successful here, the official and unofficial ones I tried didn't line up with the screw holes (and were one under string hole short)... not a train smash but the non-alignment with the control plate was a deal breaker.
I found what I was looking for on:
Had them ship the plate via eBay using paypal (Amazon only does courier, unnecessary for this type of thing). Ordered it on 27 Oct, arrived at my local post office in Kalk Bay 16th Nov. Shipping was USD 4.99... that's right R40!
And it fits perfectly ?